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Involuntary clenching and grinding of the teeth is known as bruxism. Bruxism can occur in the daytime, but also during sleep. A sleeping person does not always realise they are clenching or grinding their teeth, nor the force they exert on their teeth, which can result in damage to the teeth along with other symptoms. 

Bruxism can cause a number of issues and a lot of pain, suffering from bruxism you may experience the following symptoms: 

  • Teeth grinding/clenching

  • Face, neck and shoulder pain

  • Jaw pain/ache, which can lead to temporomandibular disorder (TMD)

  • Broken/worn down teeth, leading to increased sensitivity and loss of teeth/fillings

  • Morning headaches

  • Earache

What are the Clinical Signs of Bruxism?

Your dentist may notice a distinct pattern of wear on your teeth or damage to your teeth that may point towards a problem with teeth clenching. If the bruxism leads to TMD this may result in pain and clicking of the jaw when eating and speaking. Your aesthetic practitioner may notice the jaw and lower face look widened/bulky due to hypertrophy (enlargement) of the masseter muscles that are continually being contracted during teeth clenching. The masseter muscle can be palpated whilst relaxed and then whilst the teeth are clenched to assess the size and bulk of it. 

What Causes Bruxism?

Teeth grinding is most commonly linked to anxiety and stress. It can also be related to excess alcohol and caffeine or taking drugs such as ecstacy and cocaine. People with sleep problems such as snoring, obstructive sleep apnoea or sleep paralysis often suffer bruxism.

How is Bruxism Diagnosed?

At Luceo Aesthetics, patient care and safety is our number one priority. We provide all of our patients with a full consultation to discuss your concerns and develop your individual treatment plan. Our practitioner will give you adequate information to allow you to make a fully informed decision about your treatment.

What does this Treatment Involve?

Treatment of the masseter muscles with Botulinum toxin injections is a quick and simple procedure in properly trained hands. You will have a full medical consultation to assess your symptoms, concerns and suitability for treatment. Botulinum Toxin A is a prescription only drug. Luceo Aesthetics is a Healthcare Improvement Scotland registered clinic and  legally able to order and stock prescription medications. 


Depending on how enlarged the masseter muscle is, there may be from 2-5 injections in each side. The needles are tiny, so there is minimal discomfort. These treatments need careful placement to ensure only the masseter muscle is relaxed. Choose your practitioner carefully before deciding on any treatments. Choose someone with a thorough understanding of the complex muscles/nerves/blood vessels of the face.  Angie, our Aesthetic Nurse Prescriber has studied at masters level to gain her post graduate certificate in clinical aesthetic injectable therapies (PGDip CAIT), so you know you will be in very safe hands at Luceo Aesthetics.

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A full medical consultation is provided with our nurse prescriber before agreeing a treatment plan. A booking fee of £30 will secure your appointment, and is redeemable against treatment.

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Procedure Time

At Luceo, we take our time to inform you at your appointment, but the procedure itself is a quick 10 - 15 minutes. Please arrive makeup free for your appointment.

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Recovery Time

You may have small red marks  at the injection sites, which will settle after 10-20 minutes. You can return to your normal activities straight away but should avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours. You will be given detailed aftercare at your consultation.

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You should notice a reduction in pain within a few days. A reduction in the size of the masseter muscles may take between 4-6 weeks to be noticeable. Results typically last around 4-6 months. Treatment intervals should be no less than 3 months.

Who is Suitable for Bruxism Treatment?

Men and Women aged 18 years and over can be treated for Bruxism.

You will be given a full medical consultation prior to treatment.


Allergan Botox is suitable for vegans and is not tested on animals.


Allergan Botox is not suitable if:

Pregnant or breastfeeding, Myasthenia Gravis, Lambert Eaton Syndrome or other neuromuscular disorders.

How Can I Manage Bruxism?

If you feel stressed or anxious, try to find time to relax by listening to music or exercising. Try to have a good sleep routine and relax before bedtime. For those struggling with smoking, drug or alcohol problems, your GP will be able to provide support to help you quit or manage your addictions, which will in turn help your bruxism. Do jaw exercises to help relax the muscles only if advised by your dentist - open the mouth and jaw as wide as you possibly can and repeat this 10 times, twice daily. Some may be advised to rest the jaw and not to open too wide if suffering TMD. If you are suffering from pain in the jaw/face/ear or headaches, take pain relief such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve this. If you have swelling on the face or jaw, this can be helped by using an ice pack for 20-30mins. Ensure you visit your dentist for regular check ups to ensure any damage to the teeth is noted and treated as appropriate. Your dentist may provide you (for a fee) with either a mouthguard or mouth shield to help protect your teeth and prevent the clenching/grinding. Unfortunately these are not always tolerated.

What Alternative Treatments Can Help Bruxism?

Botulinum Toxin A (such as Allergan Botox®) is a neurotoxin produced from Clostridium Botulinum bacteria. It is a quick and simple treatment to relieve the pain and reduce the hypertrophied masseter muscles. It can be injected deep into the masseter muscle to relax it just enough to reduce the pain and symptoms. This relieves the jaw/face pain and headaches associated with bruxism but it does not interfere with chewing or eating. It has the added bonus of reducing the size of the masseter muscle due to it being contracted less, and over time this has the effect of making the lower face and jaw slimmer. Many people with wide jaws can have enlarged (hypertrophied) masseter muscles without realising, because they may not be aware that they are teeth clenching in their sleep. Botox treatment for Bruxism is an “off label” use, but is a well recognised, safe, effective treatment. 

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